I have a 99 Firebird Automatic that is lightly modded. When I floor it, around 6000 RPM my SES light comes on. When I scan it the code is P0300 random miss fire. I've changed spark plugs, wires, and coils. Are there any other likely possible parts that could be causing me to throw this code? Why am i only throwing it at high RPM's?
P.S. I did search first and went through the first 4 pages of results but I don’t really have the time to go time to go through all 100+ results. If this has been discussed before please let me know so I can go read them and I don’t waste more of your time than necessary.
P.S. I did search first and went through the first 4 pages of results but I don’t really have the time to go time to go through all 100+ results. If this has been discussed before please let me know so I can go read them and I don’t waste more of your time than necessary.