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issues with pcm

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  • issues with pcm

    I accidentally grounded my battery wire wrong and blew up my starter and couldn't get the car to start. fearing the comp was gone i replaced it with a tuned a1 cardone reman computer. car ran fine at idle and park but would not shift out of 1st.

    was recommended to get the comp redone by Chevy, now car doesn't run for more than 10 secs.

    Now (after having done the work and with a newly captive audience) they tell me there is an anti-theft feature that didn't react after i had the rebuilt pcm put in that does now, after they've touched it. wtf. they're trying to rip me off right?

  • #2
    Re: issues with pcm

    are you getting a security light that is staying steady on?

    2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
    1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

    Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


    • #3
      Re: issues with pcm

      no. a constant security light would mean the VATS was broke and i wouldn't be having an issue starting the car. its more like it's in tamper mode but it wasnt before I gave it to Chevy


      • #4
        Re: issues with pcm

        there is a procedure that you are supposed to do for pcmforless pcms that you put in if the car doesnt run (which you could try for your new pcm as well, you'd have to find it though, its been a long while since I have looked at it) could just need a case relearn though. I cant see it being a security issue if there are no security lights lit up. Case relearn should take the dealership less than 5-10 minutes to do.

        2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
        1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

        Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


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