Well, just got my HP tuners, and now I am trying to figure this stuff out. It is coming along. Some questions though.
Torque management, what do you 97 guys do for this, anything? This is some stuff I got from the hptuner.com forum.
1: Open your editor, go to Edit>Transmission>Torque Management.
2: Set Abuse Mode Enable False
3: Set Abuse Mode RPM, Abuse Mode TPS and Abuse Mode Speed to 0
4: click over on Abuse Mode Torque Reduction vs RPM. I am referring to An A4 camaro SS here so dunno about anyone else. Set all values in Normal to 0.
5: You should now have NO TORQUE MANAGEMENT.
Is that what you guys do to yours? #4 is all zeros already in my stock tune.
Next, I have a 160 thermo. when do you guys turn them on? stage 1- 185 on 180off, or should I change that to 165 on 160 off? seems like 165/160 would be awfully soon and make them running all the time...
let me know what you guys are doing for tranny and fans stuff. Also if you have any pointers for anything else let me know. I am reading all over on tuning so it is coming to me slowly. thanks!
Torque management, what do you 97 guys do for this, anything? This is some stuff I got from the hptuner.com forum.
1: Open your editor, go to Edit>Transmission>Torque Management.
2: Set Abuse Mode Enable False
3: Set Abuse Mode RPM, Abuse Mode TPS and Abuse Mode Speed to 0
4: click over on Abuse Mode Torque Reduction vs RPM. I am referring to An A4 camaro SS here so dunno about anyone else. Set all values in Normal to 0.
5: You should now have NO TORQUE MANAGEMENT.
Is that what you guys do to yours? #4 is all zeros already in my stock tune.
Next, I have a 160 thermo. when do you guys turn them on? stage 1- 185 on 180off, or should I change that to 165 on 160 off? seems like 165/160 would be awfully soon and make them running all the time...
let me know what you guys are doing for tranny and fans stuff. Also if you have any pointers for anything else let me know. I am reading all over on tuning so it is coming to me slowly. thanks!