Jet Performance Chips?? - Message Board


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Jet Performance Chips??

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  • Jet Performance Chips??

    Yeh so i installed my jet performance chip the first time but when it got done being installed and i fired up my car my gas gauge wasnt working it was either empty or all the way full. So i took it back off and then reinstalled it . same thing ... finally the third time i did it no gas gauge malfuncion.. but the only problem is i noticed that my fans were running when i had it in the first two times and it was an improvment over stock .. the thrid time.. cant really notice a diffrence.. do these chips really work??

  • #2
    I had one for a long time until I got HP Tuners. I never had those problems that you did. I noticed an increase in low end torque. Did you make sure you unplugged the battery before you installed it? I think th e instructions said to do that but I am not completly sure.
    Modifications:<br />headers, throtle bod spacer, flowmaster, high flow magnaflow carsound cat, powerdyne sc with 2.9\" pulley and by-pass valve, walboro 255 fuel pump, spec stage 2 clutch, and HP Tuners


    • #3
      yeh i did just how the directions told me to but do you have the chip or the actual programmer?


      • #4
        I had the jet stage 1 chip.
        Modifications:<br />headers, throtle bod spacer, flowmaster, high flow magnaflow carsound cat, powerdyne sc with 2.9\" pulley and by-pass valve, walboro 255 fuel pump, spec stage 2 clutch, and HP Tuners


        • #5
          really i have the jet stage two.. it still didnt feel any much more better than stock duno what is wrong with it but i sent it back and getting it checked by jet.. did yours have a noticable change over stock ?


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