From what i've read through searching and reading in my time on this board, the post-cat sensor doesn't do anything to the engine, it only tells the computer if your cat is working correctly. To test an o2 sensor, you measure it's resistance at a given heat. If this is all a matter of resistance, than why do we have to spend $40 on a stupid plug that simulates a resistance to make the computer believe the cat is working? Why can't a simple resistor do the same job? The IAT sensor has been overcome with a simple resistor, so why doesn't a resistor work in this case?
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Someone explain to me why we need o2 Simulators
Re: Someone explain to me why we need o2 Simulators
don't see why it wouldn't work, probably all the o2 sims have in them I would imagine.
But why not just get your car tuned and then remove that code?
Re: Someone explain to me why we need o2 Simulators
Originally posted by 97rs4lifedon't see why it wouldn't work, probably all the o2 sims have in them I would imagine.
But why not just get your car tuned and then remove that code?
I think i'm going to go ahead and try that resistor thing, probably sometime this week. if i do, i'll let you guys know how it works out.
Re: Someone explain to me why we need o2 Simulators
Well, if you can figure out what the reading needs to be in order for the computer to read the sensor as working properly, then it should work. Just find which Oh You also would need to figure out the wiring for it. There's 4 wires for it all, so that shouldn't be too hard. If you have $40 to spare, buy a sim and tear it apart, and save the rest of us some money :P~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
A few things
Only Member of Team Hooker?!?
Re: Someone explain to me why we need o2 Simulators
or buy my extra 97 pcm with the code removed, speed limiter removed, fans changed if you have a low temp thermostat and if auto, I can remove the TM and firm the shifts up. $125 shipped to ya. :)
Re: Someone explain to me why we need o2 Simulators
Originally posted by 97rs4lifeor buy my extra 97 pcm with the code removed, speed limiter removed, fans changed if you have a low temp thermostat and if auto, I can remove the TM and firm the shifts up. $125 shipped to ya. :)
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