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3.4l Ecu

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  • 3.4l Ecu

    Alright, big question... I'm farely new to programming, to prom e-prom, flashing and stuff. I want to know the main difference between the 3.4 and 3.8 ECU's. I know you can change a chip inside the 3.8L which makes it easier to reprogram right? But what exactly prevent us from flashing a 3.4? There MUST be a way to do it, since third parties do it for a fee. I really don't feel like hooking a new computer on the Firebird to run megasquirt, I find it too time and money consuming compared to a flashing software... so let's start with those questions and move on as we go...

  • #2
    Re: 3.4l Ecu

    you don't put chips into the 3.8l, we can use hptuners which attaches to the OBDII port and just flash the stock PCM with a new tune.

    3.4 PCMs there are currently nothing you can do for tuning other than megasquirt or a stand alone system like F.A.S.T.

    There are no chips for the 3.4 to burn and no 3rd parties that can do a full tune other than things like gears and fans.

    Search a bit more on this site and you will be able to read up on the 3.4


    • #3
      Re: 3.4l Ecu

      ok, no chp to burn but what exaclty prevent us from reprogramming the PCM? because it's a read only memory? what about Tuner Pro, on their site it says it's good for any OBDI -96 GM I'm just trying to figure out what's the difference between a 3.4L PCM and say a L98 or even LT1 OBDI PCM


      • #4
        Re: 3.4l Ecu

        The 3.4 PCM can be flashed. The problem is nobody wants to develop anything new for a nearly 15 year old car that isn't a popular choice for performance modding anyway. Tuner Pro won't work. Nobody makes software that will work.

        Send your PCM to Fastchip.com for a basic performance tune
        Try to find a used Hypertech Power Programmer
        Use a Jet or Venom module

        Other than that like 97rs said you're looking at a Megasquirt piggyback controller or other stand alone system.
        1994 Firebird 3.4<br />15.65 @ 86.8<br /><a href=\"http://www.funkz.net/firebird.htm\" target=\"_blank\">funkz.net/firebird</a><br /><a href=\"http://mywebpages.comcast.net/funkz/timeslips.htm\" target=\"_blank\">Timeslips</a>


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