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  • Maf

    I've been having a little trouble with my MAF. When it's cold (below about 34F) the engine starts and revs to 2000, then drops below 1000 and sputters until it dies. Once the engine is started twice in this fashion it runs fine. Some times tapping(for whatever reason) on the Maf works as well. I've taken it out and cleaned it, and it seemed to do better for about a week, but it never really got cold. when i took it off i discovered that the previous owner had apparently taken the top off, but nothing was medled with. The dielectric gel was still in place so i cleaned up the mating surface and used some black silicone to put it back together. When it has this problem it pops a "maf or iac low input" and sometimes bank 1 and 2 lean. I don't really have the 155$ to hand to the parts store for a new one, and seeing as how it's only when it's cold i'm a bit reluctant. I'm wondering if this is normal pre Maf death, or something else. Everything else seems to be fine, I ran my tool while driving and all seems well. The only other problem I have is that my speedo runs about 10 mph faster than actual speed, and the tool shows this as well, if the needle says 75 actual speed verified by radar is 64. Oh, and I ran a 0-60 check today and got back a 9.8 (that's going to 70 on the speedo of course.) The vehicle has 142000 miles if that matters, just replaced plugs and wires and rear o2.

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