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Couple of Questions

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  • Couple of Questions

    OK, I'm getting a nice pair of Blaupunkt 5.25's for the front doors. Everyone says these things sound amazing, so I figured I'd give them a try. I currently have cheap Jensen's in there, along with 2 12" CVRs in a custom vented enclosure and stock speakers in the rear compartments. I also have the hatch pieces with the tweeters and 4"? speakers in them in my garage, waiting to be put in. Here's my questions, should I even worry about the hatch panels? I looked and didn't see the wiring back there, so I'd have to wire them myself to the rear speakers (no biggie). I also want some nice mids to go in the rear section, preferably 6.5". I just don't want too much bass, my CVRs are more than enough. So, what would you guys recommend? Also, I was thinking of putting some bass blockers on the front speakers because the subs should handle most of the bass, not them. When I show off with my subs, the front speakers begin to distort from the bass and sound terrible. If I did put the hatch panels in, I'd probably upgrade the speakers to something decent, so when I open the hatch you can hear all the frequencies, not just the bass.

    There's a chance I may put an amp on the rest of my speakers, but until then, they'll have to deal with being powered buy my JVC Arsenal 480.
    ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
    A few things

    Only Member of Team Hooker?!?

  • #2
    Re: Couple of Questions

    Ditch the hatch speakers all together

    Use 6.5" up front vice the 5.25". And yes, bass blockers or switch on the high pass filter on your headunit (if yours has that feature)

    And get ED's dual 4 ohm 6.5"s for the sail panels (rear seat)
    Hit up the thread titled "Audio New guy" for a deal on them.

    And I see you're in Vero Beach, FL? I live in Melbourne.
    Red 96' A4 Firebird
    Audio Audio and Autotek
    Check it out here!


    • #3
      Re: Couple of Questions

      No way man, I go to FIT in Melbourne. We'll have to meet up one day. I was just looking at eD's site after I posted that and was trying to get ahold of someone on the online help thing, but couldn't. I'm going to stick with the 5.25 up front right now because of the deal I can get them for ($30). Unless you can find me some nice 6.5's for $75 or less.

      EDIT: Wouldn't I want the dual 2Ohm so I could wire it for a 4Ohm load? Isn't that what the factory speakers run at? The dual 4Ohm would be wired to a 2Ohm load. It would get more power, but they're back ordered until 1/12 it says :(
      Last edited by RadRacer; 12-11-2007, 10:45 PM.
      ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
      A few things

      Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


      • #4
        Re: Couple of Questions

        Originally posted by RadRacer
        EDIT: Wouldn't I want the dual 2Ohm so I could wire it for a 4Ohm load? Isn't that what the factory speakers run at? The dual 4Ohm would be wired to a 2Ohm load. It would get more power, but they're back ordered until 1/12 it says :(
        I assumed you have the monsoon system.... Do you? If so, those rear sail panel speakers are dual 4 ohm from the factory and have a low pass filter on them. These would be drop in replacements.

        If you are going to use an amp on them (I'll help you hook it up) or have the monsoon system, I suggest a component set up front. Yes. You can get them for that price range. Just about any of these would be better than a 5.25" coaxil:

        If you dont have the monsoon system and never plan on using an amp, the dual 2 ohm ED speakers for the back and a set of 6.5" coaxils up front are fine:

        5.25"s are like one big tweeter IMO. :D

        Oh and click on my name and shoot me an email sometime. I go to BCC and work full time, but the semester is almost over.
        Red 96' A4 Firebird
        Audio Audio and Autotek
        Check it out here!


        • #5
          Re: Couple of Questions

          Alright man. I go to school in Melbourne, but live off campus, so Vero Beach :P.

          I don't have the monsoon system, but I would like to put an amp on these. I can get a cheap Boss 4x40@4Ohm amp for the rears, and then a Jensen 2x40@4Ohm (IIRC) for the fronts. I can also get some Pioneer 6.5's for cheap, but I think they're only 2 channel coaxil. Thing is, most of it will have to wait till after Xmas, cuz I've got to see how much I have left after gifts and new shocks.
          ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
          A few things

          Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


          • #6
            Re: Couple of Questions

            How cheap is cheap?? No offense, but Boss and Jenson are both pretty low quality brands. How about this one?
            Red 96' A4 Firebird
            Audio Audio and Autotek
            Check it out here!


            • #7
              Re: Couple of Questions

              Cheap being $60ish for both hopefully. Maybe even cheaper. Then the Pioneers are $30 for the pair, and I can probably get them even cheaper too. I kow they're not the best quality, but they should get the job done. I'd want to run the speakers off of 2 different amps though, wouldn't I? That way I can tune each set individually.
              Last edited by RadRacer; 12-12-2007, 02:46 PM.
              ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
              A few things

              Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


              • #8
                Re: Couple of Questions

                A component set like I have linked in an earlier post (2 speakers, 2 tweeters, 2 crossovers) will be powered as two regular speakers. You do not power the tweeters and mids separately. Just making sure you know that.

                $60 for both is pretty damn cheap! lol The Boss 4-channel amp will power everything. 1 channel to each speaker. Most any 4-channel amp I have saw has seperate adjustments for the front channels and rear channels anyway. If you really wanted to get crazy, you could bridge the 4-channel amp and run 2-channels to each front speaker. Then use the Jensen for the rears.
                Red 96' A4 Firebird
                Audio Audio and Autotek
                Check it out here!


                • #9
                  Re: Couple of Questions

                  Originally posted by 96firebird311
                  If you really wanted to get crazy, you could bridge the 4-channel amp and run 2-channels to each front speaker. Then use the Jensen for the rears.
                  That's what I had planned on doing. IDK about the prices, I gotta get back with my friend that has them, but he wanted to let them go for fairly cheap, so he may go for that, or even lower. I'm not entirely sure on the specs, but they should be very similar to what I posted.

                  I realized the tweeters and mids are on the same channel. All of this may have to be put off though, think my trans is dying:(
                  ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
                  A few things

                  Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


                  • #10
                    Re: Couple of Questions

                    OK. Got some Pioneer 3-ways for Christmas. I've heard they're pretty good for mids, so I'm thinking of throwing them in the rear section tomorrow. Want to put an amp on them, but don't think I can afford it at the time :(. Anyways, I read that the Jensen's I have are pretty decent as long as there's no bass going through them (which is how I'm running them), and I agree. But, I'm running them with the bass on the H/U turned all the way down. I want to put some bass blockers on them and turn the bass back up some, so I can get better mids, and adjust my subs a bit more.

                    BTW- I'm going to try and swing by CC tomorrow. You work at the one on 192, right? Do you guys have bass blockers there?
                    ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
                    A few things

                    Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


                    • #11
                      Re: Couple of Questions

                      Originally posted by RadRacer
                      BTW- I'm going to try and swing by CC tomorrow. You work at the one on 192, right? Do you guys have bass blockers there?
                      Yup. Next door to D ick's sporting goods. Swing around the right side of the building and just pull up to the roadshop. But unfortunately we're closed on Tuesdays. Sucks, I know. There's just not enough work for us to be open 7 days a week. You can still have an associate get them for you if you'd like. Hopefully you don't talk to some idiot that has no idea what's going We RARELY sell them. Tell them they are located on the wall with the harnesses, bottom left side. Green package. Should be one pair left.
                      Last edited by 96firebird311; 01-07-2008, 10:33 PM.
                      Red 96' A4 Firebird
                      Audio Audio and Autotek
                      Check it out here!


                      • #12
                        Re: Couple of Questions

                        Sweet man. Any idea on a price? Doesn't matter really, just kinda wondering. And get on AIM :D
                        ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
                        A few things

                        Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


                        • #13
                          Re: Couple of Questions

                          Picked them up today and installed them man, along with my new Pioneers. Still have to get the rest of my interior panels back in (did it during my break, ran out of time :P), but they sound really good. Did a bit of tweaking on the HU, and now I want to adjust the subs' amp a bit to make sure everything's running right and at it's finest. Might swing by your store tomorrow, either 11:15ish or 1:15ish :P, look for the red Camaro blaring music that sounds mean as hell at idle :D
                          ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
                          A few things

                          Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


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