ever popped a speaker? not just fried or blown it...
i was showing some friends the "fidelity range" of my system with this one track (goes from 20000hz down to 20hz in one tone) with it cranked up pretty high. about half way through the track i hear this pop, like a firecracker. i though it was the bonfire we had going till i seen this cloud of smoke coming from my drivers door. i though i blew the 6 1/2... which would have sucked because theyre fairly new and ive had my drivers door panel off far too many times lately dealing with the shaved handles.
i noticed the tweeter hanging from the wire, in far too many pieces.

it literally blew the mounting bracket back too. it was at about a 45 degree angle
i was showing some friends the "fidelity range" of my system with this one track (goes from 20000hz down to 20hz in one tone) with it cranked up pretty high. about half way through the track i hear this pop, like a firecracker. i though it was the bonfire we had going till i seen this cloud of smoke coming from my drivers door. i though i blew the 6 1/2... which would have sucked because theyre fairly new and ive had my drivers door panel off far too many times lately dealing with the shaved handles.
i noticed the tweeter hanging from the wire, in far too many pieces.

it literally blew the mounting bracket back too. it was at about a 45 degree angle
