K member and A arm Swap questions - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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K member and A arm Swap questions

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  • #16
    Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

    I need some torque specs guys...Haines manual does not have anything listed for the 2 bolts that go through the motor mount, and the 6 bolts that go through the K member.

    I believe it has something like 76lbs for the A arms, and I can't remember the ball joints...

    Also, is there a specific way to tighten the ball joints and install that codder pin?

    2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
    1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

    Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


    • #17
      Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

      The torque specs I used was, "fuggin' tight". I used the haines manual too.

      TEAM C6V6


      • #18
        Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

        Originally posted by Blizzard242 View Post
        The torque specs I used was, "fuggin' tight". I used the haines manual too.
        I dont like those torque specs though....I like precision lol...everything has a torque capacity...

        2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
        1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

        Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


        • #19
          Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

          I think since I've been a mechanic for awhile that I've gotten a decent feel for certain things. Too bad I'm not a car mechanic or else I'd really know.

          TEAM C6V6


          • #20
            Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

            I know what you mean....I just like to be precise when I set these things up...I dont wanna go too tight because if you stretch that bolt too much it'll break when it has X amount of force on it...everything on cars should have a torque spec... and especially because I am nothing more then a garage mechanic that knows my car only pretty much lol

            2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
            1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

            Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


            • #21
              Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

              You should find a Chilton's manual. I heard those are way more precise with repairs than a haynes manual is.

              TEAM C6V6


              • #22
                Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

                Ok Im getting beyond rattled...the very back bolts for the K frame snapped when I took the old piece out (grade 8.8)...I have tried drilling them out today to no avail...They won't budge...I accidently went in on a bit of an angle to, so the top of the bolt half of it is gone, and a little bit of the washer is gone. I dont care if I obliterate the damn thing, I can put a bigger bolt and washer in...but how the hell can I get these bolts out...They wont budge at all, and I already destroyed one extractor bit trying to get it out...

                2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
                1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

                Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


                • #23
                  Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

                  Pb blaster.. heat.. More drilling. I had a bolt so incredibly stuck in my gf's topaz's control arm one time. It eventually came out in 3 distorted pieces. I drilled it enough to where I could work a pusher bit into the side of it with an air hammer and crushed it into itself. Kinda like a pop can. If you don't have an air hammer, a normal hammer will work but it'd be more work. I also went out and bought a really nice drill bit that was destroyed and distorted in the process but it drilled through that bolt like butter.

                  TEAM C6V6


                  • #24
                    Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

                    what the is pb blaster? is it like liquid wrench? I used liquid wrench already...I do have an air hammer...whats a pusher bit look like? Kinda like a round bit with a point?...I can only access this bolt from the bottom btw...

                    2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
                    1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

                    Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


                    • #25
                      Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

                      Damm, I have know idea than to have it burned out if the threads won't move or weld another bolt end to it and then try to use another wrench on it. Or maybe use a dremel and cut into it then use a big screwdriver , or use grinding bits and grind it all the way out. Thats about all I can think of right now. Good luck with it.
                      08' L76 6.0L 4X4 Chevy EXT.Cab LTZ Vortec MAX with Snug top cover, Dynomax exhaust,Hptuners& K&N intake
                      96' Camaro M5 to A4 conversion, alot of mods . GT35R Turbo full suspension. Built engine


                      • #26
                        Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

                        I dont think any of those will work lol...Ive considered those, but it is the furthese bolt in the back...the one where you dont have access to the top of it...its like a thin piece of metal welded into the frame like a cup, therefore stuff like the dremel can't be used.......Ive been thinking of breaking the weld, cutting it off from the inside, then welding the piece back up lol...
                        Last edited by LETZRIDE; 02-03-2010, 08:32 PM.

                        2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
                        1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

                        Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


                        • #27
                          Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

                          Originally posted by LETZRIDE View Post
                          I dont think any of those will work lol...Ive considered those, but it is the furthese bolt in the back...the one where you dont have access to the top of it...its like a thin piece of metal welded into the frame like a cup, therefore stuff like the dremel can't be used.......Ive been thinking of breaking the weld, cutting it off from the inside, then welding the piece back up lol...
                          Do what you have to do, those bolts should be under the floor board, didn't you have to replace a floor board, I think it was you?
                          08' L76 6.0L 4X4 Chevy EXT.Cab LTZ Vortec MAX with Snug top cover, Dynomax exhaust,Hptuners& K&N intake
                          96' Camaro M5 to A4 conversion, alot of mods . GT35R Turbo full suspension. Built engine


                          • #28
                            Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

                            Originally posted by ssms5411 View Post
                            Do what you have to do, those bolts should be under the floor board, didn't you have to replace a floor board, I think it was you?
                            ya, I didnt have to go that far though lol...dont wanna cut anymore then I have to out of those floors....they needa last until they make some replacement ones...

                            2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
                            1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

                            Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


                            • #29
                              Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

                              If you make a repalcement one you could always take out the hump on the passenger side, if your CAT is gone or moved. I've thought about it since mines missing.LOL Your more patient than me I would of cut the section out by now. J/K
                              08' L76 6.0L 4X4 Chevy EXT.Cab LTZ Vortec MAX with Snug top cover, Dynomax exhaust,Hptuners& K&N intake
                              96' Camaro M5 to A4 conversion, alot of mods . GT35R Turbo full suspension. Built engine


                              • #30
                                Re: K member and A arm Swap questions

                                Originally posted by ssms5411 View Post
                                If you make a repalcement one you could always take out the hump on the passenger side, if your CAT is gone or moved. I've thought about it since mines missing.LOL Your more patient than me I would of cut the section out by now. J/K
                                I would if I 100% had access to a welder, and someone that could weld with me...this is pissing me off though...Everything is in place...I just need to bolt the steering rack in, and the A arms...then I can move onto the rear main seal lol

                                2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
                                1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

                                Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


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