I'm planning on working on my suspension in about a month or so. I'm going to get sway bars, LCA's, and a pan hard rod (should get most of the suspension covered in one hit :D ). I can't decide what brand to go with, though. I'm looking at BMR, G2, and of course 1LE. I'd like to aim my suspension more at a street or auto-x setup (though I'll probably only auto-x once a year MAX), but occasionally take it to the strip. Any feed back is appreciated. I know the issue of cost is going to come up, but I really don't care too much about cost - I'm good at saving money for what I want and believe in doing something right the first time so I don't have to replace a medeocre part for a better one later down the road.
I'd like to get all one brand (i.e. all G2 or all 1LE) parts. Guess I'm odd like that.
[ June 17, 2003: Message edited by: Rob@USC ]</p>
I'd like to get all one brand (i.e. all G2 or all 1LE) parts. Guess I'm odd like that.
[ June 17, 2003: Message edited by: Rob@USC ]</p>