car drive like crap, after lowering, help - Message Board


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car drive like crap, after lowering, help

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  • car drive like crap, after lowering, help

    i lowered my car with hotckis springs. Although, it didnt lower it alot, the car rides like crap most of the time, especially when taking corners or on small bumps in roads. What do you people suggested that i do to make it ride better? name some ballpark prices with suggestions, please


  • #2
    I believe control arm relocation brackets, and panhard rod!

    under 100 dollars each!


    • #3
      what is rides like crap suppost to mean. i dropped mine with a pro kit and it rides a little rougher but not that bad

      be more specific.. relocation brakets wont do anything really for ride quality.


      • #4
        Is it riding stiffer? rougher? Is is bouncy as all getout? Is it leaning in corners? what do you mean?

        Be more specific if you intend to post in this forum, we can't solve vague questions okay?
        2002 5-spd NBM Camaro


        • #5
          you gota be alot more specific as everyone said..

          did you get an alignment after you dropped it??



          • #6
            i got it aligned after install, but i installed it back in october 02. On a smooth road, its rides good, but when a bump comes up, it bounces bad. Also, when im taking corners at like 20-30mph, the back feels like it's swinging to the opposite side. If any of u guys drive different cars, a camaro feels really rough. The springs were new and they are pretty good, but the after shocks when hitting a bump fast, is really bad. I dont know if any of u people have this prob. It's maybe cause i am use to drivin other cars, that my camaro feels rougher than others


            • #7
              Let me guess - you kept the (old) stock shocks when you pu on the lowering springs?

              If so, that's probably your problem.
              2000 Firebird convert, chameleon/tan, M5, Y87, TCS, BMR tower brace and panhard, KBDD sfcs, 245/50-16 GSCs


              • #8
                shocks, and the swaying may be the rear not being centered. I'd suggest some new shocks and an adjustable PHR and then see how it drives.
                2001 Arctic White Firebird<br />More mods than I\'m allowed to list!


                • #9
                  yeah i kept the old shocks, so what kind would u recommend and post some prices and where to get them? Thanks everyone for your help.


                  • #10
                    For picking the right shocks, Sam Strano rules:


                    Give him a call - he's usually the one answering the phone.
                    2000 Firebird convert, chameleon/tan, M5, Y87, TCS, BMR tower brace and panhard, KBDD sfcs, 245/50-16 GSCs


                    • #11
                      i'll save ya time. i called him and he suggested eibach lowering springs and bilstein shocks.
                      \'96 <b>Quasar Blue</b> Firebird A4<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><i></i></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">my band: woodland</a>


                      • #12
                        have any of you ordered from sam strano? i'm thinking about getting the bilstein hd's and he has the best price i've seen for them. any idea how much shipping might cost? did it take long to get your stuff or did he ship right away?
                        94 Firebird - Red A4<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                        • #13
                          bilstein HD's are on backorder right now from sam. probably like two weeks till he gets them in..
                          \'96 <b>Quasar Blue</b> Firebird A4<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><i></i></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">my band: woodland</a>


                          • #14
                            HD's are almost allways on back order.. IS INSANE!! I had to wait almsot 2 months for my fronts..

                            so, if you want them place the order as soon as you can.. and they will get there.. be patient..

                            they are worth it IMO



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