I got some 18"'s that had Nitto 555's on them but the rears were bald so I decided to just replace them all. Found some Bridgestone RE40 runflat's on Ebay used 245/40/18 but 1 ended up being flat and they feel like sh!t. It feels like the tire is rolling over itself or something if you turn even slightly rather then gently moving over it will jerk hard in that direction. Same thing for uneven pavement it "falls" into these grooves or unevenness and it will jerk like mad. They're properly inflated but they just feel horrid. At 40+ if you wiggle the wheel back and forth the car begins to feel like its on ice instead of gripping and pulling back and forth like it would do even with stock pro-stars it begins to rotate on an axis back and forth and randomly looses and reacquires traction. I think the Nittos felt good (hard to tell wheels weren't balanced and they were not on tight).
So anyway with a replacement tire costing $350 a pop not even shipped and with them feeling like sh!t I was thinking about getting something else. I'm not a road racer I may get a turbo kit in the future but reasonable daily driving characteristics are what I'm after good traction, good wet traction, average tire wear (I only put 10k or less a year on my car and its 90% highway).
I was thinking about these, I know they're a sh!tty brand but pricewise they work out. But I don't want to go through another set of sh!tty feeling tires.
I'm just looking for a solution I've got nice 18" rims but only on the front since I had to put stockers back on in the rear.
So anyway with a replacement tire costing $350 a pop not even shipped and with them feeling like sh!t I was thinking about getting something else. I'm not a road racer I may get a turbo kit in the future but reasonable daily driving characteristics are what I'm after good traction, good wet traction, average tire wear (I only put 10k or less a year on my car and its 90% highway).
I was thinking about these, I know they're a sh!tty brand but pricewise they work out. But I don't want to go through another set of sh!tty feeling tires.
I'm just looking for a solution I've got nice 18" rims but only on the front since I had to put stockers back on in the rear.