ive been running 18x9.5 chrome c5s for a while now and its coming time for new tires *yeeck!!! 800 bucks!!*
anyways, i have 265s and they seem to be streched a little thin, so im going with 275s to get a nicer flush "lip" on the tire so that it looks better than having the sidewalls stretched like on the 265s, but i also want to have the wheel stick out a little more, as if i had a smaller offset... i thin the wheels offset is currently +56 or +58, but can i get like a metal spacer plate to make the wheels stick out like an inch more or something?
anyways, i have 265s and they seem to be streched a little thin, so im going with 275s to get a nicer flush "lip" on the tire so that it looks better than having the sidewalls stretched like on the 265s, but i also want to have the wheel stick out a little more, as if i had a smaller offset... i thin the wheels offset is currently +56 or +58, but can i get like a metal spacer plate to make the wheels stick out like an inch more or something?