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  • pump

    so I put a new power steering on and it works fine but there is a whine like a supercharger might have. That would be fine if I had a supercharger but I don't. any ideas. bad pump. too tight belt?? what

  • #2
    Re: pump

    A/C or defrost on?


    • #3
      Re: pump

      Does the whine get much worse when you turn the wheel all the way to either direction?


      • #4
        Re: pump

        when i turn my steeringwheel it makes a weird noise that i do not know fof...


        • #5
          Re: pump

          well no it doesn't get worse. and it isn't at idle just accelerating and with no a/c on


          • #6
            Re: pump

            My power steering pump whines like that when a load is put on it at RPMs above idle (like accelerating from a stop, into a corner). It has been doing that for years. Converting to Valvoline Synthetic power steering fluid lessened the noise but did not totally eliminate it. I'm not going to worry about it until the noise gets uncomfortable or unbearable, or the pump stops working.
            Now Playing: \'99 Pewter Firebird, stock, bone stock, and nothing but stock, so help me God!<br />Comming attractions: K&N Filter, Lid Mod, Intake Bellows Smooth Pipe Mod.<br />I dream about: Forced Induction (TC or SC) or NOX (or both!)


            • #7
              Re: pump

              Make sure you got all the air out and your fluid level is accurate. Shouldn't be whining straight or turning. Check your belt also that it's not to tight.
              Let's flip a coin. Heads I get tail, Tails I get head.


              • #8
                Re: pump

                You may have air in the line like stated before .Check to see if its full too. The hot and cold mark is basically car on car off, respectively. To bleed air out, with the car running, just keep the cap off and turn the wheel lock to lock like 4 or five times. Then re-check the fluid level.


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