Welcome to Camarov6.com a forum for ever year v6 and 4 cylinder Camaro and Firebird. To help you along with getting started on our forum, please see the guide below:
To sign up on our forum scroll to the very top of the page where it says Login / Sign Up and click on the tab to drop down some options. If you select "Sign up" you will be prompted to create a user name (which will be your handle on this forum going forward) as well as a password for the site so you can continue to access the forum in future. This is entirely free of charge. You will then be sent an email to verify your account - upon doing so you will be a new member and able to use our forum to create/reply to topics and threads - welcome aboard! :wavey:
To Login you have 2 options to choose from - either enter your user name or email as well as your password - or you can login using your Facebook account. Once logged in you can create/reply to topics and threads.
Now that you are logged in you may want to create a new topic / discussion thread. Once you click on the appropriate area in which you wish to post such as the "Appearance & Detailing Section" or somewhere like the "6th Gen 3.6L V6 Engine Section" you'll find a screen that looks similar to the above image. You can click and read through any topic in this area or you can create your own.
To start a new topic click on the "new topic" button on the upper left hand side of the screen
In this screen area you also have the ability to "subscribe" to this forum area - meaning you will receive alerts any time a topic is posted here. This can later be adjusted in your user settings which is located under your user name at the top of the page where you previously logged in.
Once you have created a "New topic" posting becomes as easy as using Microsoft Word. On the right hand side of your page you'll see 3 buttons as circled in the above photo. If you hover your mouse over any of the icons a brief description will pop up. The Clipboard button is for adding attachments, the "A" button opens up the formatting buttons as you would see them in Microsoft Word and the Smiley Face button is for emoji's.
In this screen you will enter the title you wish your topic to have along with your message in the section that displays "write something". If you are logged in with Facebook and wish to automatically have the topic published to your feed you can check the box in the lower left hand corner. When you are done writing your message/question click the "Post button" on the lower right hand side. - Congratulations you have created a new topic post!
If you hover over these buttons the explanation is pretty simple -
These buttons function exactly as Microsoft word buttons do:
These buttons are used if you would like to insert things like links, images or video into the post.
For the most part you won't really use these buttons. But please see the explanation below:
To sign up on our forum scroll to the very top of the page where it says Login / Sign Up and click on the tab to drop down some options. If you select "Sign up" you will be prompted to create a user name (which will be your handle on this forum going forward) as well as a password for the site so you can continue to access the forum in future. This is entirely free of charge. You will then be sent an email to verify your account - upon doing so you will be a new member and able to use our forum to create/reply to topics and threads - welcome aboard! :wavey:
To Login you have 2 options to choose from - either enter your user name or email as well as your password - or you can login using your Facebook account. Once logged in you can create/reply to topics and threads.
Now that you are logged in you may want to create a new topic / discussion thread. Once you click on the appropriate area in which you wish to post such as the "Appearance & Detailing Section" or somewhere like the "6th Gen 3.6L V6 Engine Section" you'll find a screen that looks similar to the above image. You can click and read through any topic in this area or you can create your own.
To start a new topic click on the "new topic" button on the upper left hand side of the screen
In this screen area you also have the ability to "subscribe" to this forum area - meaning you will receive alerts any time a topic is posted here. This can later be adjusted in your user settings which is located under your user name at the top of the page where you previously logged in.
Once you have created a "New topic" posting becomes as easy as using Microsoft Word. On the right hand side of your page you'll see 3 buttons as circled in the above photo. If you hover your mouse over any of the icons a brief description will pop up. The Clipboard button is for adding attachments, the "A" button opens up the formatting buttons as you would see them in Microsoft Word and the Smiley Face button is for emoji's.
In this screen you will enter the title you wish your topic to have along with your message in the section that displays "write something". If you are logged in with Facebook and wish to automatically have the topic published to your feed you can check the box in the lower left hand corner. When you are done writing your message/question click the "Post button" on the lower right hand side. - Congratulations you have created a new topic post!
If you hover over these buttons the explanation is pretty simple -
- The first button on the left is for inserting source code (something you likely won't use)
- The Tx is to remove formatting - if you have copied something and pasted it in this window and it has gone all wonky you may opt to remove the formatting
- The third button is used to paste something as plain text
- The 4th button is to paste information from a Microsoft word document to try and keep your formatting intact.
These buttons function exactly as Microsoft word buttons do:
- Font lets you change the style of font - Arial vs Times New Roman etc
- Size lets you adjust the size in font that you use
- A Let's you adjust the colour of your font - this is useful if you are creating guides and want certain headings or areas to stand out.
- Bold, Italic and Underline are exactly as they are described
- Left, center and right justifications are as described
- The numbered button is to insert formatted numbers, the bullets are used for formatted bullet points (like I am using in this section)
- The final button is to play with your margins
These buttons are used if you would like to insert things like links, images or video into the post.
- The first button (paper clip looking) is to insert a link. To use this button, highlight the text you have written that you would like to have a link added to and then select this button - paste your link into the box that appears and click ok. You'll notice your highlighted text has gone to a purplish colour - it is now linked to your URL you pasted into the box that appeared.
- The second button is to remove that link that is inserted into the text - again, highlight the text you want the link removed from and click this button to remove it.
- The portrait button is used to insert images which I will cover below
- The Video reel button is used to insert videos from programs like YouTube - you paste the link into the box that appears and click ok and your video will be added to your post embedded as a viewer box allowing forum members to see the video.
For the most part you won't really use these buttons. But please see the explanation below:
- The quotation button is to wrap a quote box around your text - so maybe you have pasted what another member has said and want to address it so that it stands out and you can speak to it. Highlight the text you want to have a box around it and click this quotation button.
- The next 3 buttons are to insert coding into your post so that it is not lost - these buttons aren't relevant to this forum. Ignore them.
- The table button is to insert a table / chart - this can be useful for displaying information to users
- The last 3 buttons are more formatting buttons used for subscript, superscripts and page breaks