The new site looks GREAT!! - Message Board


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The new site looks GREAT!!

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  • The new site looks GREAT!!

    Nice upgrade guys. Looks damn good.
    <br /><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>

  • #2
    Re: The new site looks GREAT!!

    the best part is... its not even all done yet. its going to keep getting better and better!

    current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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    • #3
      Re: The new site looks GREAT!!

      I agree. I just hope it's work friendly. The one before was very work friendly.

      1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


      • #4
        Re: The new site looks GREAT!!

        Originally posted by Mighty Thor
        I agree. I just hope it's work friendly. The one before was very work friendly.
        I'm lost? I view this at work all the time... what would not be work safe?

        I guess I should mention that little report icon. Should something not be PG-13, I absolutely suggest people report it. Administrator
        Stupid is rewarded with the ban button.
        Official Avatar Nazi according to Meatyshells :D


        • #5
          Re: The new site looks GREAT!!

          Originally posted by TealV6
          I'm lost? I view this at work all the time... what would not be work safe?

          I guess I should mention that little report icon. Should something not be PG-13, I absolutely suggest people report it.
          That's a good question. I know our IT people can detect other employees if they've been going to websites or to messageboard. Some people were fired because of it. I think it had more to do with soft porn, and language.

          So far they have never had problems with me. I hope it stays that way.

          1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


          • #6
            Re: The new site looks GREAT!!

            We also log firewall and proxy traffic. My job keeps me infront of a computer 8 hrs a day... if they fire me over surfing... there's a problem. Now if I'm surfing porn... that's different. That is clearly stated in our AUP we sign coming in the company... we can be fired for that stuff.

            I think your safe for car stuff.... if you see a thread that is NWS... skip it, but I don't expect to see any around here. It's PG-13 :D
            Stupid is rewarded with the ban button.
            Official Avatar Nazi according to Meatyshells :D


            • #7
              Re: The new site looks GREAT!!

              I just found the new board - looks great, Steve!
              I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

              2008 Saturn Sky Red Line - Midnight Blue

              Pewter Mafia - 2000 Firebird - SOLD
              CENTRAL FLORIDA KNIGHTS!!!!!!!
              FLORIDA STATE SEMINOLES !!!!!!!


              • #8
                Re: The new site looks GREAT!!

                Originally posted by Everglades W68
                I just found the new board - looks great, Steve!
                Welcome to the new board my friend! :D

                <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">1969 Falcon</a><br /><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">1972 Harley & Misc. Project Pics</a><br /><br /><a href=\"http://www.geoci


                • #9
                  Re: The new site looks GREAT!!

                  this is officially my first post on the new board... everything looks good man.. i look forward to seeing all that is to come... keep up the good work.. later
                  disclaimer: \"warning.. this post may contain somewhat of a funny comment if read properly... take my comment out of context at your own discretion...\"


                  • #10
                    Re: The new site looks GREAT!!

                    I too enjoy the new look of the board. I have some suggestions (probably not needed) but, maybe we can make it more personalized by using pics of the boards members cars, and whatnot for the top banner, etc. Also this may be another topic, but maybe we could have the whole car of the month thing going, with a desktop wallpaper made for each month? That would be fun. People could vote on the car of the month, and everyone gets a free cool desktop wallpaper!


                    • #11
                      Re: The new site looks GREAT!!

                      yeah we should have pics for the sigs to lol just my 2 cents.. but otherwise this site came out great.. i waited forever for it to come back it was so boring without it
                      <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My FireBird</a> K&N intake,Gutted cat, glass pack muffler.........Lots more to come...... <br />Getting my exhaust soon :)Rumbler Exhaust w/ Hooker\'s Headers :)


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