coming back from my friends house a little while ago (3:30am) I made a top speed pull in my car
He lives in the middle of no where right where the free way ends.
I gunned it and i took the car all the way up to 5000rpms in 5th gear. But because my speedo was maxed out way before then i didnt really know how fast i was going. Came on the computer and used a gear/rpms calculator and figured out i was going 155mph. And the road was straight, didnt slant down or up. And i feel that my car could of pulled a little more actually, but i didnt want to blow anything up. I think i could of gotten to mayb 160/165mph
i would say that is pretty good for a v6 no?
was kinda scary, when i put the clutch in and shifted into neutral, my car turned off lol, must of been something about the vacuum at such a high speed. But i just started it back up when i slowed down a little.
Dont think ill ever do something like that again for a while.
was it stupid to do? Probably... was it fun? Sure was
He lives in the middle of no where right where the free way ends.
I gunned it and i took the car all the way up to 5000rpms in 5th gear. But because my speedo was maxed out way before then i didnt really know how fast i was going. Came on the computer and used a gear/rpms calculator and figured out i was going 155mph. And the road was straight, didnt slant down or up. And i feel that my car could of pulled a little more actually, but i didnt want to blow anything up. I think i could of gotten to mayb 160/165mph
i would say that is pretty good for a v6 no?
was kinda scary, when i put the clutch in and shifted into neutral, my car turned off lol, must of been something about the vacuum at such a high speed. But i just started it back up when i slowed down a little.
Dont think ill ever do something like that again for a while.
was it stupid to do? Probably... was it fun? Sure was