well last night my car broke down cause of the altenator so i went and got a new one, when i was taking the old one out it slipped out of my hands and broke the wire that connects to the altenator(not the positive cable that hooks to the back), didnt have no way to replace it so i drove without it hooked up. well my car was acting funny all the way home, my speedo jumping when i rolled up and down the windows, my amp kicking in and out, and my auto trans wouldnt shift to 4th gear, and the wouldnt shift down all the way to 1st. today i went to the junk yard and picked up the wire that i broke, and put it on, and everything seemed fine. until i was on my way to work and my trip odometer reset and my car started beeping as if the battery was unhooked while i was driving. well i got to work and turned off my car and tried to start it back up and it wouldnt do anything at all. no dome lights...nothing at all. so i was messing with it a little tonight and when i was trying to jump it would start then die right off the bat, and my instrument cluster lights started going on and off(seat belt, abs, check gauges, etc.), it did this evertime i turned the key over. my question is, of course, what is wrong with it? and was me driving without that wire connected the cause of this? id appreciate any help guys, so i could judge if i should have it towed to a mechanic or take care of this myself. please help, thanks in advance.....