Re: Prop 8 poll
If homosexuality is "natural" aka exists in nature, that doesn't mean that it is something that everyone should have to accept... by this I don't mean that they shouldn't be accepted, I'm just saying that's not a good reason...
It has been proven that there is no "homo gene". It was proven very simply... you look at identical twins, they are born with identical genes, and there have been cases where one twin is gay and one is not. If homosexuality was a genetic trait, then both twins would be one or the other, or there would at least be a trend or pattern based on their genes relative to their sexual preference, but there is none.
There has been evidence of a genetic predisposition for homosexuality in a relatively new field of study known as "epigenetics". Basically there are chemical "activators" known as markers that can switch certain genes on or off causing certain changes in an individual. These activators, most commonly found in the form of Methyl Markers have been known to cause various abnormalities such as Cancer and Autism. Both of which require a certain gene to be present in order for them to occur. The one most commonly mentioned is the BRCA1 gene that has been shown to cause breast cancer in women. What hasn't been understood until recently is that there are women who have the gene, but do NOT get breast cancer. That's where the "activators" come in. It is still unclear what causes the activators to activate, but when they do, they "turn on" the BRCA1 gene and that gene causes breast cancer.
Where epigenetics becomes interesting (and relevant to this discussion) is that your genetic markers can be altered by your behavior, unlike your genes which you are born with, and unless exposed to radiation, remain the same throughout your life. Epigenetic markers, once altered, can then be passed on to offspring and can cause a predisposition to certain behaviors or pathologies, ie addiction, pedophilia, obesity aaaaand homosexuality... all can be passed down through generations without ever affecting the human gene itself.
There is still alot to learn about epigenetics, but knowing what has been proven so far, the argument that humans are "born gay" and that because of that fact we should all accept it would fit for many things that have been described already. Mighty Thor hit it on the head when he related our "acceptance" of this to pedophilia. The same could be said of alcoholics and drug addicts. Social patterns and epigenetics have shown that people who are born to parents with certain behaviors may have a "natural" predisposition to engage in certain behaviors themselves.
I'm not trying to use this as an argument to accept or deny someone the right to marry, but just trying to make people understand that the argument that this is "natural" only works if you also claim that being a drug addict, being obese, being an alcoholic, being a pedophile are also natural and should all be equally accepted.
and I also agree with Thor that this apparent "acceptance" of homosexuality is a direct result of liberal media and it's spokespeople... most gay people I know get annoyed when they see gay rallies and see "gay-spokespeople" on TV because they claim to speak for them, but they are just pushing their own agendas, often being to make the so-called "christian conservatives" look bad.
If homosexuality is "natural" aka exists in nature, that doesn't mean that it is something that everyone should have to accept... by this I don't mean that they shouldn't be accepted, I'm just saying that's not a good reason...
It has been proven that there is no "homo gene". It was proven very simply... you look at identical twins, they are born with identical genes, and there have been cases where one twin is gay and one is not. If homosexuality was a genetic trait, then both twins would be one or the other, or there would at least be a trend or pattern based on their genes relative to their sexual preference, but there is none.
There has been evidence of a genetic predisposition for homosexuality in a relatively new field of study known as "epigenetics". Basically there are chemical "activators" known as markers that can switch certain genes on or off causing certain changes in an individual. These activators, most commonly found in the form of Methyl Markers have been known to cause various abnormalities such as Cancer and Autism. Both of which require a certain gene to be present in order for them to occur. The one most commonly mentioned is the BRCA1 gene that has been shown to cause breast cancer in women. What hasn't been understood until recently is that there are women who have the gene, but do NOT get breast cancer. That's where the "activators" come in. It is still unclear what causes the activators to activate, but when they do, they "turn on" the BRCA1 gene and that gene causes breast cancer.
Where epigenetics becomes interesting (and relevant to this discussion) is that your genetic markers can be altered by your behavior, unlike your genes which you are born with, and unless exposed to radiation, remain the same throughout your life. Epigenetic markers, once altered, can then be passed on to offspring and can cause a predisposition to certain behaviors or pathologies, ie addiction, pedophilia, obesity aaaaand homosexuality... all can be passed down through generations without ever affecting the human gene itself.
There is still alot to learn about epigenetics, but knowing what has been proven so far, the argument that humans are "born gay" and that because of that fact we should all accept it would fit for many things that have been described already. Mighty Thor hit it on the head when he related our "acceptance" of this to pedophilia. The same could be said of alcoholics and drug addicts. Social patterns and epigenetics have shown that people who are born to parents with certain behaviors may have a "natural" predisposition to engage in certain behaviors themselves.
I'm not trying to use this as an argument to accept or deny someone the right to marry, but just trying to make people understand that the argument that this is "natural" only works if you also claim that being a drug addict, being obese, being an alcoholic, being a pedophile are also natural and should all be equally accepted.
and I also agree with Thor that this apparent "acceptance" of homosexuality is a direct result of liberal media and it's spokespeople... most gay people I know get annoyed when they see gay rallies and see "gay-spokespeople" on TV because they claim to speak for them, but they are just pushing their own agendas, often being to make the so-called "christian conservatives" look bad.